Iā€™ve been a leadership coach since 2001, dedicating my career to refining my coaching skills and developing leaders and mentors to have ā€œcoach likeā€ conversations so they can create workplaces that thrive.

I am a Sydney girl born and raised in the suburb of Rhodes with 4 brothers and adventurous parents who loved to travel. When I was young, we spent four years in the Philippines where I started my schooling.

Learning and teaching has been in my blood from an early age. I have always been drawn to how to teach and learn in the most effective and respectful way.

From being a high school teacher early in my career, to leading culture change projects in the finance sector and then onto my coaching career which moved into leading and developing coaches and facilitators as part of a coach training company, teaching and developing others has been the common thread.

Given this passion it was natural that coaching others is what brings me joy as well as helping leaders do this well.

Discovering the amazing power of Solution Focus coaching further shaped my whole approach emphasising the focus on co-creating solutions over understanding problems. All my leadership programs and coaching are focused on helping others to master this approach.

Beyond my professional life, I have a wonderful husband with whom I have shared 30 years of love and support and have two beautiful and confident adult daughters.Ā Both areĀ on their way with their own incredible professional careers and I never stop learning from them. Balance of my health and wellbeing and a focus on inner calm also plays a big part of my daily routine.Ā 

Ultimately, I see our world needs a different form of leadership that is more collaborative, inclusive, respectful and sustainable.Ā 

My mission is to help future-ready leaders toĀ create workplaces where individuals and organisations (and the world) to thrive.

Leadership and culture change begins with a simple conversation.Ā 

My VolunteerĀ Activities

In addition to my coaching work, I love giving back to the community. Away from my business, I enjoy working on a pro bono basis with a couple of organisations.
In addition to my paid work, I work voluntarily as a reviewer for the global Association of Solution Focused in Organisations (SFiO) in certifying consultants in Solution Focused practice across the globe.
IĀ lead and host the Solution Focus in Organisations (SFiO) Asia/Pacific Solution Focus Webinar forums for Solution Focused practitioners.
For the past seven years, Iā€™ve provided leadership coaching to Homeward Bound Projects, a global initiative that supports women in STEMM professions to become leaders and contribute to decisions affecting climate change, sustainability and our planetā€™s health.
In November 2023, I was lucky enough to accompany 88 women from 19 countries on their leadership journey to Antarctica for a 3 week voyage.
In 2017 I participated in my first ocean swim event run by Can Too, a charity that provides professionally coached ocean swimming, running and cycling training programs; in return participants raise funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care and control of cancer.
Iā€™ve now completed seven ocean swim programs and been a mentor for four, encouraging swimmers of all abilities to overcome fears and complete physical challenges, plus contribute to incredible fundraising results.

Reach out for a chat about my programs.

Contact Annette

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