Insights and lessons by Annette Gray from over 20 years of coaching and mentoring

Are you in a transition at the moment? 🧐 Jul 08, 2024

This has been the theme of my leadership coaching over recent times.

I often notice this trend happening in my coaching, if I am grappling with a topic in my personal life or professional life it...

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So, what have I learnt from going to Antarctica? Jun 19, 2024

It has now been over six months since my Antarctica voyage.

I am still finding it hard to put into words what this voyage was about and what it has ignited in me on so many levels.

In summary, I went...

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What is the difference between a boss and a coach? leader as coach leadership Oct 06, 2023

Over the last few years expectations of leaders and managers has changed.

The biggest shift is in how we lead from being a boss to a coach.

People do not want leaders and managers to tell them...

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What are the key elements that make mentoring work? mentoring mentoring made easy Oct 03, 2023

In the coaching world, it is well known that there are three elements that make it work. I think these same elements work well for having effective mentoring conversations. So, what are they:

1 How...

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What benefit does the mentor get from mentoring? leadership mentoring wellbeing Sep 28, 2023

Outside of work I love to swim in the ocean and for the last 3 years I have mentored and supported others through Can Too Foundation in learning to build their confidence in the ocean and to swim...

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Have you ever learnt to be a mentor? coaching approach mentoring mentoring made easy Sep 25, 2023

If the answer is no then you are like most people who have either been assigned to be a mentor in a formal mentoring program. Or someone has asked you to be their mentor informally.

Either way you...

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What is the difference between problem talk and solution talk? mentoring mentoring made easy solution focus Sep 21, 2023

One of the key approaches of how to have better conversations whether in mentoring or coaching is solution focus.

I came across solution focus approach 12 years ago introduced to me by Mark...

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Why is it important to help your mentee have clarity on where they are heading? mentoring mentoring made easy solution focus Sep 11, 2023

Over the many years I have trained leaders and mentors to be more "coach like" in their conversations I have noticed one stand out pattern. The pattern is that many mentors want to get into the...

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How can being connected to a community lift your wellbeing? wellbeing Apr 28, 2022

In just the first few months of this year, we have experienced more global heartbreak and confusion both overseas and here in our own country. But over the last few weeks, I have been reminded many...

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How do you help everyone take responsibility for safety? safety Mar 10, 2022

As a coach, I firmly believe coaching is a key skill for anyone in a managerial or supervisory position if we want to get the absolute best out of our team members. 

But nowhere...

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Future of Leadership: As a leader, how can you start to embrace the new leadership style? leadership Mar 09, 2022

Change is the new constant. The past few years of the Covid19 pandemic have impacted organisations in many unforeseen ways, both positive and negative. Moving forward, we can no longer think and...

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