Use of Scales in Coaching Conversations
Aug 13, 2024
Coaching Tip - The Multiple Use of Scales
Last week I held a Coaching and Mentoring Masterclass on the Multiple Use of Scales. It went down really well with those that attended, so I have decided to continue this theme for this week's coaching tip.
There are many ways to use scales in your coaching and mentoring conversations. Not just where are you now in relation to what you want. Try these alternatives:
1. Overall competence scale
Q. Where would you place yourself on a scale of 1-10 in relation to your overall competence in your role or this particular aspect of your role? 10 being you are nailing it and 1 being you are a beginner on this?
Whatever number they give you be curious and say, how come it is that high and not one point lower? And ask plenty of “What else gets you that high?”
Remember we want to see the positive difference of what they have mastered, not how come they are not a 10!
2. Exploring a 10/10 scale
I have noticed after developing many leaders in coaching and hearing how they have applied coaching, this is the area we all need to spend more time on.
Using questions like – How would you know you had arrived at a 10? What else would you notice? Who might notice that you have achieved what you are aiming for? What would they notice?
Unpacking a 10 or preferred future or future perfect lets us all be on the same page of what arriving at the goal would look like in concrete detail. Spend the time unpacking the 10. Asking at least 5-6 what else questions will provide the rich detail, so they know what they are aiming for.
3. Confidence scale
How would you rate your confidence level in your role or aspect of your role now? Again ask, how come it is that high and not one point lower? A confidence scale is a great question to ask as sometimes the coachee may be competent but in this particular situation or this context their confidence may have dropped. You can coach them to building more confidence then ask them what support they would need from you to feel more confident.
4. Coping scale
A coping scale is a great way to unpack how a coachee is coping in a really tough situation. You may know they are finding a certain situation tough, however sometimes it is so useful and motivating to find out what resources and strengths they are using to cope. Using a coping scale can remind the coachee what strength they are drawing on to get through. The question then is:
Q. What is helping you to cope in this situation? What seems to help you cope even just a little bit?
Let me know how you go in trying out using a scale in a different way. 😊
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