Why is it important to help your mentee have clarity on where they are heading?

mentoring mentoring made easy solution focus Sep 11, 2023

Over the many years I have trained leaders and mentors to be more "coach like" in their conversations I have noticed one stand out pattern. The pattern is that many mentors want to get into the "how" of what the mentee is focused on "the goal", without being very clear on "what" they are aiming for.

One of the key #solutionfocused tools is "the future perfect" tool. This tool often known as the preferred future is used widely amongst #solutionfocus coaches. How it works is helping the mentee be very clear what the end in mind looks like in concrete detail. So, asking a series of questions helping unpack for example - what would "being more confident" look like and what difference it would make to the mentee if they were more confident.

Some questions like -
🪴Who might be the first to notice this confident version of you showing up?
🪴What might they notice about you that will tell them you are more confident?
🪴What might you notice about yourself to tell you the confident version of you is coming out?
🪴And we keep building on this future perfect by asking lots and lots of "what else" will it look like?
🪴With some "what difference would it make" added in as well.

This is just one of the mentoring tools that I cover in more detail in my Mentoring Made Easy online self-paced program that provides the basics on how to use a #coaching approach to mentoring. It is jammed pack with all my tips and tricks in how to be an effective mentor all in the one place.

➡️ 34 instructional videos and demonstrations
➡️ 4 hours of content and 4 hours of practice with a real mentee
➡️ Live personalised Q and A webinar to support you halfway through

If you want to be the mentor you wished you had, then click for more information on Mentoring Made Easy and to enroll. 

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