Have you ever learnt to be a mentor?

coaching approach mentoring mentoring made easy Sep 25, 2023

If the answer is no then you are like most people who have either been assigned to be a mentor in a formal mentoring program. Or someone has asked you to be their mentor informally.

Either way you then start mentoring them by sharing all your wisdom and experience and talk at them for the whole conversation.

You are not alone, most people have never had any development on how to be a mentor. Most people just think you go into advice giving mode not finding out what your mentee knows about the topic already.

I am so excited to have published my Mentoring Made Easy online self paced course that provides all the basics on how to use a coaching approach to mentoring.

I have had 22 years of developing leaders and mentors to have better conversations and I have put all these practical tips and skills all in the one place. Lots of videos to watch on how to do it and real practice you do with a real mentee that I will guide you through.

If you want to find out more click HERE. 

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